Shapes the Imagination! The Solid Investment

Quality – a Personal Expression

Quality a Personal Expression Everyone Understands

Strength, Personality and Style


Think about it. When you look at a house, what you see begins with the outside view. So, to decipher quality and character, one has to start there. The things to look for?

Personality. Solid craftsmanship. Distinctive details.

And because there’s never a second chance to make that all-important first impression, people everywhere select brick. Its diversity in color and texture, and it’s deftness in handling the details give it the ability to carry off any style, any “look” with poise and confidence. It’s the first sure sign people have of your personal appreciation for

quality. Once your home is built and your name goes on it, you’ll be known, at least in part, for where you live.


Home is the one place where You get to truly express who you are to the world. Somebody else designed your car
and clothes. But with brick, you get to be the designer. With its creative palette, you can be sure to capture the personality and character you want in your home. You can decide what you want to say and brick provides a lasting way to say it.


Welcome guests into your world with warmth and charm along bricked walks, past masonry walls through solid, arched doorways into your own personal sanctuary. Brick can curve, and step in or out at your command. It can be rough and rugged as if from centuries past, or sleek and smooth like the design objects of today.


Invite the sun inside through expanses of well-framed windows all around your living spaces. Brick allows tremendous flexibility in size and shape when it comes to framing windows. Masonry moldings and sills can be used to give windows, or even the entire home a most distinctive look.


Beyond the “obvious” places where the flexibility and style of brick can be used, there are undiscovered places all around a home which can benefit by such solid attention to detail.

Enhance the outside corners with quoins (stepped out groupings of brick courses), shape stairs with matching or contrasting colors and/or textures. Pave paths, form graceful garden walls. Let the historical centerplace of family life, the hearth, return as a unique sculpture. Each idea, each personal statement can work in unison to make a home uniquely your own, quietly revealing your appreciation for the quality and craftsmanship in which you’ve invested.



No matter what architectural style you’re considering, you can build it with brick. With its many colors, styles and shapes, and the unlimited ways it can be configured and detailed, brick sets you free to create your own, very personal style using a proven language of quality, economy and long-lasting beauty. So, don’t hold back. Express your unique strength, personality & style. It’s so easy with brick, because it truly is anything you want it to be.

Bricks, cladding, landscaping and floor tiles by Pioneer Bricks